Is Blog Building Consistent?
Bloggers make money the same way everyone else does: by offering something of value in exchange for money. You need to be clear on what you are trying to sell, who your target audience is and how you can make their life better (in any way that you can). Once you do that, earning income through blogging is really simple as a result of all these three things.
Keyword research:
A key ingredient that makes you earn good money through blogging is keyword research, which can be done with free keyword research tools out there such as Google’s free keyword tool. You simply enter in the keyword phrase that you are targeting, and Google will tell you how many searches that phrase has been made for the year, and which country they were made in.
So, you can see with this keyword phrase you can target countries, and if you are blogging about things that change frequently from one day to the next, this will tell you which words or phrases people are using to search for these things.
The next thing you want to do is build a model of this phrase, so you know what the competition is, how many times people are searching for this phrase and the words they are searching for, and what the average duration for a searcher is and where they are usually coming from.
To make you get a good model of the amount of times a phrase has been searched for, you can use free keyword research tools like Google’s free keyword tool to see what phrases have been searched for the most in the last month. You should aim for phrases that average at least 500 searches per month.
Keywords that average at least 500 searches per month should be your target for a long term phrase because the search volume will increase and the amount of time spent looking for a site will decrease. The longer term a phrase is, the lower the competition will be and you can earn a good income from it.
Building a model of the blog topic:
When you are done with your keyword research and you have a good model of the amount of times a phrase has been searched for, the next step is to build your model, so you can start writing a blog post for your site. This is done by using a free keyword research tool to find blog posts on the topic and build your model around each blog post and how often it is updated, how many times per day it is updated and the total number of words in the blog post.
As you do this you can see how your blog post will perform. If the total number of words in the blog post is low it will perform poorly and you will make less money per month from it. If it is one of the most searched for phrases you can also expect a better performance.
You can then take all of this information and build a model for a category. This is easy to do as you already have a good understanding of the amount of times a phrase has been searched for in a period of time. If you are doing all of the above in your head then it takes a lot of talking out before you can start actually writing a blog post.
What you should do is start writing blog posts, which will be your income and start doing all of this in your head until it becomes a reality, then then you can start creating your models and start writing blog posts to them. You can then continue to build the model and continue to write more and more blog posts to each category, so you can start earning more and more money from a single blog post.
As with anything of value and a business, it is important to be consistent. You need to make sure that when you do all of this talking out in your head all of it becomes a reality and you not only get paid for it but also make sure that the amount of words you use in a blog post remains consistent. If it doesn’t then you have failed at your job. There is no room for error when it comes to blogging and your blog should be informative, well written, professional, and most importantly consistent. You can then build a great model, and start working on that model until it becomes a blog with a consistent set of results.