Starting a Business

Home Biz 101: Breathing

Yes breathing. We can’t say it is over-rated as it is actually life. We do take it for granted though. We are busy breathing morning, noon and night and we don’t take any notice of it. However did you know if we do remember to be aware of our breathing it can make a big difference in how we perceive and react to situations?

breath deep!

Particularly when people are stressed as in starting a business or because they are learning something new, this the very time when they go to pieces. They don’t see what is in front of them but start to flounder around and make mistakes. Obviously if they can read the directions or follow the instructions they would be better off.

Sometimes in order to be able to function properly we need to calm down. There is too much noise and chaos when we are stressed and it is no wonder that we only see or hear half of what is there when our minds

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