Make Your Blog a Money Blog

Blog marketing can be fun and is only as hard as you make it. Use the following tips and get your blog seen today!

Tip #1: Choose a topic that you know a fair amount about.

Choose a topic that you are passionate about, that has meaning to you or that gets a lot of reader traffic. Try to choose something that has meaning to you because you will likely want to update it often or add something that you know helps your readers. For example, when I started I chose blogging, a topic that I have spent a lot of time reading and researching. I knew that my blog needed to be informative and fun to read and I also knew that it was something that I had a passion for and something that my readers would also feel a connection towards.

Tip #2: Build a list.

This is critical to the success of your blog. I am sure you have seen the word “list” or “list building” mentioned a lot because of Facebook. If you are serious about making a blog be sure to build a list. On your blog you will see a subscribe button. Click that and start building a list of people who would be interested in receiving your newsletter and blog posts. The subscribe button is a good place to start. You should also add a comment on their wall, leave a short message and a URL to a good resource they might find interesting. This should be enough to build a list of people who are interested in receiving regular updates from you.

Tip #3: Update often.

You will soon learn that building a readership of people who are interested in receiving regular updates is the key to making a blog a successful money blog. Update your blog every so often, often but not too often. If you update often you will have people coming back to your site often to find out what you have added and to see how you have improved. If you do not update often your readership will diminish. A blog is not a long term solution to your needs if you are running a business. A blog should be a response to the problems you are having right now and will be having in the future. The more frequent you update your blog the more likely you are to turn into a money blog.

Tip #4: Do not put ads everywhere.

This is the most important tip of all. You have a blog. You want people to visit it. You put ads everywhere. You put banners everywhere. You even include AdSense on your blog. Why? Because you are in a hurry. You are in a race to get pages indexed in search engines as fast as possible. The faster pages get indexed the more often you can place ads. The more ads you can place the more money you can make.

If you are in a hurry and in a race then you will follow the tips in this article and your blog will soon become a money blog.



Margret de La Forest is a home business and online marketing advisor and the owner of this website.

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