start a home based business

HomeBiz Start-Up – Focus on What You Can Do

Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do. It is really sort of like ‘shooting yourself in the foot’ if you allow your obstacles to dictate to you. How counter-productive to stop dead in your tracks because something or other didn’t go the way you had planned. Now all your energy is spent in anxiety about these circumstances.

don't sweat the small stuff

Until you can get past it you won’t really be able to focus on what you can do to promote your business. Remember it is all about what you can do and whatever didn’t work just goes in the circular file, figuratively as well as literally if necessary. It is the same concept as spending what could be productive time in ‘crying over spilled milk’ when you didn’t get the rate of customers you had hoped for from a campaign.

What exactly do you gain by your regret? Or by your subsequent skepticism? Does it

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